Nominations for the award must be made by a current IWA and/or ISME member and can only be submitted through this form. Candidates can be senior leaders in the field but can also be young rising stars. Nominated candidates must be members of either IWA or ISME (or both). For nomination, please fill out the nomination form and provide two support letters by scientists affiliated neither with your institution nor with the institution of the nominated candidate. The nominator and nominee cannot come from the same institution. In addition, an extended CV of the candidate together with a complete publication list must be submitted. Please be aware that no self-nomination is possible.

Review and evaluation committee
The review and evaluation committee is composed of leading experts from IWA and ISME: Barth Smets, Glen Daigger, Kirsten Küsel, Colin Murrell, Per H. Nielsen and Michael Wagner.


Please find the previous winners below:

Christopher Lawson Canada

Christopher Lawson (rising star)
University of Toronto
Jizhong Zhou United States

Jizhong Zhou
University of Oklahoma
FL United States

Fangqiong Ling (rising star)
Washington University
Tom Curtis United Kingdom

Thomas Curtis
Newcastle University
ap United States

Ameet Pinto (rising star)
Northeastern University
km United States

Katherine McMahon
University of Wisconsin
wtl United States

Wen-Tso Liu
University of Illinois
mads Denmark

Mads Albertsen (rising star)
University of Aalborg
lut United States

Lutgarde Raskin
University of Michigan
daims Austria

Holger Daims
University of Vienna